Feb 1, 2011

Heyy, Im Okayy

i never thought that i'll be okay if i lost him :)
well, yeaa im fine now LOL *still alive 
i realized, im strong enough to let go~ sighhh....
but the question is always appear in my mind, does he got what he deserve? :]
hmm nvm, nawt so important..., 
whats important noww is just looking forward n move on [forget the past] !
"what was, can be once again" ---> is this will really happen? ayee, idk
if those things happen again, i'll face it like i was successfull did hmm
'the one' for me hasn't just come yet, hm so yeapp... waithanngggg :P lmao *kidding
people says boys are all the same or girls are all the same
urmm i think, they all are not the same~ because...?
hm hmm, there's certain of them made a mistake while finding their true love
no doubt, everyones make a mistake... by the mistakes, we'll find the ritee wayy to get what we wants :) that is how it done usually
so, don't blame anyone as u don't know whats happening & it's nothing to do with u though !
hurrmmm, in my case ---> i don't blame him anyway, im just a little upset
i know whats happening, he's just had a confusing to choose the one he love the most either me or her
sighhh... it's a bit annoying when he keeps lying to me #.^" it really does making me pissed off !
but then, im the one who make decisions to let him go umm ouhh no regret ! cuz im happy if he's happy :]
i used to call him an idiot / jerks / useless guy i've ever met hm, sorry for that
called him, an idiot cuz he lied to me
called him , a jerks cuz he talking shit behind my back
hmm, useless guy i've ever met cuz he's being selfish
huhhh, everything is happened, no wayy for turning back 
the only thing we must remind ourselves is don't do something permanently stupid just cause u're temporarily upset !

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